Spectacle on the Bay

Spectacle on the Bay

Genre-bending events on the Yokohama Triennale sidelines


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on September 2011

Yokahama is holding a series of one-off, genre-bending events on the sidelines of the Triennale 2011. The series launched last weekend and continues this weekend with a dance-meets-music performance pitting sparky dancer Masako Yasumoto against folk/world music group Double Famous and eccentric avant-electro producer Oorutaichi at a restaurant in Chinatown. Silent film showings with live music, fashion shows onboard a vintage schooner and other unusual offerings continue through the beginning of November.

Masako Yasumoto vs. Double Famous. Douhatsu Shinkan, Oct 1 (listing).

Other events, through early November: http://spectacleonthebay.com/