Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on April 2012

The social documentary The Black Power Mixtape will screen at K’s Cinema in Shinjuku (3-35-13 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku; www.ks-cinema.com) from April 28. Director Göran Olsson found historic footage of civil rights leaders Stokely Carmichael (pictured), Angela Davis et al languishing in a Swedish TV archive and edited it into an overview of the black power movement in America, 1967-75… If you want to get warmed up for the upcoming Hobbit film, head to Shin-Bungeiza in Ikebukuro (3F, 1-43-5 Higashi-Ikebukuro Toshima-ku; www.shin-bungeiza.com) as they screen special extended versions of Peter Jackson’s three Lord of the Rings films all day on May 4. ¥3,000 gets you into all three Oscar-winning epics… Experimental film and video weirdness will hit the screens as the 26th Image Forum Festival is held April 28-May 14 at Shibuya’s Image Forum (2-10-2 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku; www.imageforum.co.jp) and Park Tower Hall in Shinjuku. This year’s fest includes a special program celebrating 60 years of Australian avant-garde cinema. www.imageforumfestival.com.
Unless noted, Japanese films screen without English subtitles. Non-English language films are shown with Japanese subtitles only.