The Dish

The Dish

Originally published on on November 2009 Japan’s pizza makers are famed for the sheer wrongness of some of their culinary creations, but even previous triumphs like Pizza Hut’s sausage roll crust couldn’t prepare us for the wonders of the Premium Cheese Fantasy Super Rich Quattro. “From appetizer to dessert, it’s a full-course meal in […]


Originally published on on November 2009

Photo by Julio Shiiki

Photo by Julio Shiiki

Japan’s pizza makers are famed for the sheer wrongness of some of their culinary creations, but even previous triumphs like Pizza Hut’s sausage roll crust couldn’t prepare us for the wonders of the Premium Cheese Fantasy Super Rich Quattro. “From appetizer to dessert, it’s a full-course meal in a single pizza!” squeals the sales blurb for the latest masterpiece from Domino’s Pizza, and they ain’t lying. Working clockwise, start with a pancetta and tomato appetizer, then move on to lobster à l’américaine(!), roast chicken with artichoke sauce and, to finish your meal off, cream cheese with cranberries, blueberries and maple syrup (in separate sachet). The “Premium Cheese Fantasy Crust” has extra fromage folded into it, just for good measure. A pulchritudinous pie, if ever we saw one.

¥2,900 (medium, 25cm), ¥3,900 (large, 36cm). Available until mid-March 2010.