June 30, 2011
The Human Centipede
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011 A mad German scientist kidnaps three tourists, one a Japanese. He then offers them a quaint AV lecture on what he plans to do with them, namely join them, mouth-to-anus, to create the title creature. Then he does so. If this seems remotely entertaining to you, get some […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011

A mad German scientist kidnaps three tourists, one a Japanese. He then offers them a quaint AV lecture on what he plans to do with them, namely join them, mouth-to-anus, to create the title creature. Then he does so. If this seems remotely entertaining to you, get some help. The outrageousness of the concept alone may attract drunken midnight moviegoers, but watching it happen is highly tedious, and once the sewing is done, there’s nowhere for the movie to go. Nonetheless, as the subtitle implies, there are two sequels in the works, which I will ignore. Watch the South Park parody instead.