Tokyo Pinsalocks

Tokyo Pinsalocks

Hallelujah Girls


Originally published on on April 2012


Retro synth lines bounce along with unrestrained glee. Snare flams and bass booms crush out a beat. Above an electro-pop pulse singer Naoko begins to chirp mysterious lines like “street…naked…nude…face.” And before you know what’s happening, you’re being ushered on an unsuccessful Sunday morning mission to buy her favorite doughnuts (“Unlucky Doughnuts”). It’s a hysterically bittersweet moment of reflection amid the all-out fun that comprises girl trio Tokyo Pinsalocks’ third and latest album. Produced by Shunichi Miura of Kera & The Synthesizers, anything retro from vocoders to horn fanfares makes its way into Hallelujah Girls. But don’t take my word for the yellow-brick-road joyride that is this disc. Simply check the new video for the single “Lu-La Hallelujah” in which Naoko, bassist Hisayo and drummer Reiko are done up to look like nothing less than electric octopuses from outer space.

Tokyo Pinsalocks play Saiko vol. 10 at Shibuya Milkyway on Jun 24 (listing).