Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2013
Considering the principal fear of most wedding planners in the West is a downpour, getting married in June in Japan—during tsuyu, the rainy season—seems a little risky. Which is why people don’t usually do it. However, there is a new trend of rokugatsu no hanayome (June brides), encouraged by goods such as this wedding cake topper from Nut2KK. Far from the Grecian tradition, rooted in a bid for a blessing from the god Juno, the “tradition” on these shores seems more a bid for commerce during a usually slow season. So spend a little more on this cake topper and aid a flagging industry. Considering the Japanese fondness for themed accessories, there may well be a whole line of marital raingear in the offing. Waterproof veil anyone?
¥5,460 online at www.nut2deco.com