Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope

September 11 – September 17


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥Love    ¥Money    ♣Luck


March 20 – April 18


Chiron is retrograde in your sign. So is Mars. Things going haywire? Don’t blame yourself! Corrections happen when planets move ‘backwards’. For a positive twist, Jupiter is direct for the first time since May. Expansion, good fortune, hope. The New Moon starts things clanging in your work sector. It trines Saturn, exactly, to stabilize your career. Pluto can’t undo everything.


April 19 – May 19


Luckily, Jupiter goes direct. This planet can pull many things into its orbit. It offers an abundance of confidence in your days, with a playful perspective to your nights. The New Moon creates a positive connection with stabilizing Saturn. Watch for a resurgence of options, especially when it comes to romance. Distance and differences won’t stop you.


May 20 – June 20


Things are weighty and may be unresolved. If issues, feelings, or furniture get too heavy, be sure to ask for help. You’re a light and breezy air sign. Too much seriousness can pull you down. Jupiter goes direct, which is a blessing. Finally, movement and improvement! The New Moon trines Saturn. It’s a positive event, helping you escape from unwanted inheritances.


June 21 – July 21


Not every moment must be spent on others. Hear your inner whispers. Jupiter goes direct this week. It expands relationships, especially those that last. You may be surprised with your enthusiasm. You deserve to have fun, and this planet intends that you do. The New Moon is in your conversation sector. You can start again, building a connection that is strong and secure.


July 22 – August 22


If you think you’ve had enough, this week offers a happier route. Jupiter goes direct for the first time since May. Other than your ruler, the Sun, planet Jupiter can be your greatest ally. Expansion arrives, with a dash of glamor. The New Moon is a stickler for details. It’s important to confidently breathe your way through this. It could increase your income.


August 23 – September 21


It’s a big switch-around for Virgo. Almost all of it is to your benefit. Happy Birthday! Jupiter goes direct. If you’ve kept your dreams in check, now’s the time to set them free. A playful view of your options aligns with what the stars have to offer. The keyword is expansion. The New Moon is in Virgo. It creates a stable connection with Saturn. These two get you started again.


September 22 – October 22


Librans are hit by a stellar twist. Juno, goddess of marriage and commitment, is in your sign. She offers loyalty with fair give-and-take. Opposite, in your relationship sector, Mars and Chiron are retrograde. Don’t allow current moments to be your only guide. Allow time for reassessment. Jupiter goes direct to expand options. The New Moon starts a cycle in dusting off your dreams.


October 23 – November 21


With changes revolving on a daily basis, you’re put to the test. Scorpio is a fixed sign. If you say something, you mean it. Why doesn’t the rest of the world work this way? Jupiter goes direct in your area of connections. Conversations expand. This is a boon and a bonus. The New Moon resets your career. Friends and groups help you with the fine print.


November 22 – December 20


The South Node of the Moon is in Sagittarius. It’s both an opportunity and a task. While you can continue the way you’ve been going, you’ll gain more control if you change things up. Jupiter, your ruling planet, goes direct. It’s in your house of finance. It does mean for you to have more income. The New Moon connects with the Sun to open up windows in your career.


December 21 – January 18


Jupiter goes direct in Capricorn. It pulls the pressure off. Breathing space is yours again. Not that there isn’t lots to do. Now’s not the time to ride the brakes. This New Moon is in your solar ninth house. Inspiration comes your way. You’re entering a new cycle of travel, discovery, and delving into research. Consider what you’d like to do. The stars are on your side.


January 19 – February 17


Moving forward is not the same as falling back, but there may be times when it feels like it. Luckily, Jupiter, the great mitigator of all things fortunate, goes direct. A large planet with enormous magnetism, it pulls what you’d like into your orbit. The New Moon is not something to be played with. It’s an honest to goodness reset of what was meant to come to you.


February 18 – March 19


At the moment, Pisces has more options than most. Capricorns are caught between a Pluto-Saturn rock and a hard place. Aries has ruler Mars retrograde in their own sign (things are slow). But you have the benefit of two special star connections. Jupiter goes direct this week, bringing friends who offer a boost. The New Moon is about being with the right partner.