Crystal Castles & Sleigh Bells

Crystal Castles & Sleigh Bells

Hipster’s Delight


Originally published on on January 2013

This two-fer of twosomes could just as well be called Hipster’s Delight. Canada’s Crystal Castles [pictured] and Brooklyn’s Sleigh Bells have ridden the skinny jeans, asymmetrical hairdos and faux naïve electro styles of the last few years to indie success. Snarkiness aside, we like both these bands. Crystal Castles’ Alice Glass stood out immediately at the duo’s Summer Sonic debut as one of the strongest frontwomen to prowl the stage this millennium since Karen O. Sleigh Bells’ Alexis Krauss is equally statuesque but brings a sweeter, more rarified approach to her music.

Akasaka Blitz, Jan 30, 7pm, ¥6,300. Nearest stn: Akasaka. Yokohama Bay Hall, Feb 2, 6pm, ¥6,300. Nearest stn: Motomachi Chukagai.