July 22, 2010
Extraordinary Measures
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on July 2010 The father (Brendan Fraser) of a pair of kids suffering from a rare genetic disorder convinces a curmudgeonly researcher (Harrison Ford) who’s close to a cure to let him help raise funds for the remaining research. This is one of those inspired-by-true-events flicks, which means it’s 90 percent […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on July 2010
The father (Brendan Fraser) of a pair of kids suffering from a rare genetic disorder convinces a curmudgeonly researcher (Harrison Ford) who’s close to a cure to let him help raise funds for the remaining research. This is one of those inspired-by-true-events flicks, which means it’s 90 percent made up by screenwriters. Ford is in full curmudgeon mode, but it’s an unconvincing, one-note performance. The other characters are equally underdeveloped, and the thing plays like a dramatized chronology. It’s nice that they found a cure and all, but this unimaginative, generic, CBS-produced movie belongs on TV. Maybe.