Food For Thought

Food For Thought

Feminism on the table


Originally published on on November 2012

Inspired by Judy Chicago’s iconic artwork The Dinner Party, a sculpture that symbolically set a place at the table for women, Food For Thought invites Tokyo women to share a meal and talk about feminism. The event is the brainchild of Australian artist Courtney Coombs, who has previously hosted feminist dinner parties in Brisbane and Melbourne. Each party will be limited to 12 women to keep the atmosphere intimate. Those interested in Coombs’ artwork can also view her installations in her first solo exhibition in Japan, “Wish You Were Here,” curated by Tokyo Art Beat editor Emily Wakeling and held at Roji to Hito Nov 19-25.

Roji to Hito, Nov 16 and Yoyogi Park, Nov 17-18