Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on August 2011
If ’60s band The Lovin’ Spoonful had had a can of Mobile Air Conditioner 123 to spray on the back of their necks, the consequent lack of dirtiness and grittiness thereon might have prevented them from ever writing their landmark hit “Summer in the City.” Fortunately it was decades before this miraculous spray can was invented, in 2009. At first it was only -40ºC, but manufacturer Strapya has managed to shave that down to -45ºC for this year’s release. Apart from cooling you down to sub-Arctic levels, this non-CFC aerosol also deodorizes (if you like smelling like industrial sealant), and kills any bacteria within a forty-mile radius. Use in the office, on the sports field, during military incursions and for dusting your cash crops.
¥840, available from here.