February 17, 2011
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on February 2011 Movie postponed until further notice. Clint Eastwood continues his refusal to cater to the multiplex crowd with this intelligent and haunting (and non-religious—no easy feat) look at what might await us after we shuffle off this mortal coil. The film centers on three individuals—a French TV journalist who […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on February 2011

Movie postponed until further notice.
Clint Eastwood continues his refusal to cater to the multiplex crowd with this intelligent and haunting (and non-religious—no easy feat) look at what might await us after we shuffle off this mortal coil. The film centers on three individuals—a French TV journalist who almost died in the Indian Ocean tsunami (Cecile de France), a working-class American gifted/cursed with psychic abilities (Matt Damon), and a British schoolboy who has lost his twin (Frankie McLaren)—and on their very different reactions to intimations of an afterlife. If I had to choose one word for this movie, it would be “curious.”