March 21–April 20
This week holds beauty and benefits for you. Spring is well underway, but it’s more than that. Venus goes direct on Saturday, which is a relief. She’s had to oversee some changes, but now finances, home décor, and self-improvement have a green light. The Sun enters your solar second house of income, too. Invest in yourself and promote what you believe in. Mercury retrogrades into Aries soon after.
April 21–May 21
You’re about to enter your birthday zone! Happy Birthday to all Taureans born this week! Before that happens, there’s another bonus. Your ruling planet Venus goes direct on Saturday. This is a stellar line-up to bank on, though you may want to be cautious about investing in unexplored areas. Taking things step-by-step, the final relief comes as Mercury retrogrades out of your sign. At last you’ll be understood!
May 22–June 21
There are stellar reasons to rejoice this week. Venus goes direct on Saturday. Your plans with friends, getting together for sports, and club activities come through more easily. Plus the bonus that your team might win! Not to be outdone, the Sun traverses to your solar twelfth house mid-week. Light is shed upon a mystery that has been begging for an explanation. It may not be solved, but a clue brings hope.
June 22–July 23
Bees buzzing on blossoms signal another way to view the world. Nature has a way of keeping us on track, even when it seems to be changing from the norm. The same is true of the stars. Tensions and strengths are pulled from the heavens, as we feel or resonate with the greater picture. Intuitive as you are, you’ll sigh with relief that Venus goes direct on Saturday. Sometimes there is a reason!
July 24–August 23
Things start to settle into place. The stars have a way of balancing what cannot be changed by mere mortals. If you have been pushing against an obstacle that won’t budge, let celestial influences bless you. Venus goes direct on Saturday. This brings money and beauty back into your life. Then the Sun transits to shine light and heart into your career. You’re in charge of the pack, whether you knew it or not.
August 24–September 23
There’s plenty of astrological activity to keep a Virgo busy this week. Venus goes direct on Saturday. She’s finally able to keep her promises. In your solar eighth house of legacies, inheritances, and partners who show up, you may have started to wonder. Then the Sun enters a place where you can travel, learn more, or find those with strengths where others have lacking. Mercury assists starting Thursday.
September 24–October 23
You’re an air sign, ruled by your intellect. Lately, have only a few friends made any sense? The stellium in your solar sector of work – and colleagues – was previously inundated by emotions that almost swept you under. This has all just changed, and will continue to bring you back to the surface. Venus goes direct on Saturday. She’s very happy to balance partnerships and reward you for your determination.
October 24–November 22
You could jump into the fray, but it’s really not your style. There are special times when you would, but your general perspective is to watch – and wait. If there are questions about how to move justice forward, or get the money flowing, you’ve got support from the stars. Venus, the goddess who governs love and comfort, goes direct on Saturday. She will get you started!
November 23–December 22
As the Centaur you move so fast, not everyone knows what you’re doing. This can work for or against you, but you probably like being a blur when it suits. Venus goes direct on Saturday, which means you can let yourself be a little more comfortable. Actually, a lot more. It may not come from the places where it was promised, at least not yet. So go ahead and book yourself in for a bit of plushy ‘me time’.
December 23–January 20
Hold on, someone’s about to come through with the money. Venus goes direct on Saturday, connecting to Chiron. Has there been a financial wounding in your life? Or an unjust behavior, allowed to continue? The final tipping point is over the weekend. Then the Sun moves to your solar fifth house of speculation, creativity, gambling, and love affairs. It sheds light upon the risks you’ve taken.
January 21–February 19
You can skip across some things, but others seem to trudge on forever. Time has a way of stretching out or collapsing, although clocks don’t reflect this – you have to feel it. The stamp of approval on your latest endeavor is a bonus. Rewards may be rumored around the time Venus goes direct, on Saturday. Chiron connects to this planet, so you’re likely to score with efforts you have made.
February 20–March 20
Eating more? Eating less? Can’t be bothered to keep track, hard to hold on to motivation? Venus has been retrograde, so a bit all over the place in terms of discipline. After all, the stars (and planets) do affect earthly activities! Luckily, she goes direct on Saturday – in your sign. Venus may whisper of comfort and luxuries, but at least this goddess is in your domain, and you can choose to do what’s best for you!