January 26 – February 2
Your week has more advantages than challenges. It kicks in when Mercury connects with ruler Mars. What you say holds power. The reaction comes the very next day, when Mercury squares the North Node of the Moon. This tends to elicit a touch of fate in creating something new. Uranus moves direct to invigorate with results that may please you.

Uranus goes direct in your sign. This equates to making changes that level up to success. Uranus has been retrograde, with sudden changes that took things apart. Now that it is moving into direct motion, final details are attended to. Mercury and Mars connect, making an assisting trine aspect. Communication and action become one and the same. Be as exact as you can.

Gemini is an air sign, which rules the intellect. Geminis are smart. You move and think fast. You also have an innate ability to see what’s important, what can be done, and how to schedule accordingly. Uranus, planet of surprises and clairvoyance, goes direct. If you want to see further, now’s the time. Mercury and Mars trine this planet for quick connections.

As much as you might like a quiet space with downtime, Cancers are working hard. Ceres, goddess of agriculture and stateswoman of finance, is in this sector of your chart. This can translate to you being there for others, even when your time gets gobbled up. Since Uranus goes direct, the ‘dreaded’ changes that show up unannounced work in your favor.

The Sun opposite your sign is a balancing act to add warmth to your winter. Pluto now sharing this sector uncovers a new focus in relationships. You may know that Uranus rules this sector in your chart. It moves direct, finally. Since it went retrograde last August, this is a big step forward. Wizards and wanderers, get ready for a lightning flash to intensify your career.

This week, you’re the one who brings balance to the zodiac. Dark Moon Lilith in your sign thinks of unique ways to challenge a problem. Juno in Virgo stands by with support. Juno is retrograde, which creates reassessment, and thus can’t do everything. What you have in your corner is Uranus moving direct. Information and surprises are met with assistance and results.

It’s true that Librans, ruled by Venus, value beauty in their environment. A serene outlook is an essential that reigns supreme. If these are withheld, the discord can rattle a sensitive Libran’s scales. Then it takes time to get your equilibrium back. Give yourself a thoroughly gentle off-the-hook moment this week. Uranus goes direct. You’ll be back in the limelight soon.

Pushing yourself just to keep going? You may be pleased to find you’re now close to your goals. Even if it’s a tiny space of time, this can bring the rush of energy you need. Overriding winter’s grey skies, there’s still a dash of excitement. Pallas Athene, the original goddess warrior, is in your sign. She does not follow the crowd. Uranus moves direct to enhance your streak of unique.

Although Sagittarius ushers in the winter, you may not feel it reflects your sunny self. Ceres is still in your sign, making sure you have what you need. Venus has moved to your solar second house, joining Mercury and Mars. While it’s about income and what you create for yourself, there’s a level of indulgence you can discreetly enjoy. Uranus goes direct. Work moves forward.

The Sun makes its way through your solar second house of finance. Pluto follows. It is just inside the area where you get to feel the big ups and downs. Pluto can take a person to great heights, usually when you put your energy toward the collective. In other words, working for the greater whole reflects back into your life. Uranus goes direct. Things can change in a flash.

There’s plenty to get excited about, especially for you, Aquarius. Uranus finally goes direct. Since it’s your ruling planet, this helps you settle into your days with a great deal more comfort. While you can handle pretty much every bump that comes along, now you get a chance to enjoy smooth paths and open vistas, too. Enjoy a Happy Birthday! You deserve it!

Saturn in your sign is not one who frolics. More plainly put, it’s not the type to go leaping about with enthusiasm. This doesn’t mean it won’t work hard on your behalf. It may feel like it’s slowing you down, but the results are solid. Ever notice more when you can’t move fast? Exactly. Uranus goes direct this week. This brings dreams into alignment with you, especially.