January 24 – January 31
Aries goes through a renaissance with friends. Pluto, the Sun, and Ceres are in this sector of your chart. Mercury joins them this week. You may find you’re sifting through what’s important and to whom, yourself included. The New Moon invites the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Boundaries and financial acumen are your strengths. Uranus goes direct to increase your stakes.

Looking for energy? If you hear a whisper to reinvent yourself, where’s the structure to help? Chiron, the wounded healer, is in your house of dreams. Take your time. Mercury transits, making you the orator in your career. Look into your possibilities. The New Moon heralds the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Perseverance is yours. Uranus goes direct for quick changes.

Feeling a weight on your shoulders? It might be those planets above the horizon in your chart. Travel and long-distance planning is big for Geminis. Ceres, the Sun, and Pluto energize you. Mercury transits for clarity of thought. The New Moon welcomes the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Uranus goes direct to electrify the precision of mind others admire you for.

Though Cancers are gifted listeners with soft hearts, you could be looking for an adjustment. Transformation time is upon you. Mars continues retrograde through your sign as you reassess. Mercury transits, bringing clarity. The New Moon ushers in the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Defining boundaries may bring wealth. Uranus moves direct for insights and brilliance.

If a partner or business colleague needs your support, this could be a big week. Mercury enters this sector of your chart as you share your ideas. It joins Pluto, the Sun and Ceres. Then the New Moon arrives to welcome the Lunar New Year of the Snake. It may seem you are behind the scenes, but others will sense your presence. Uranus goes direct, rousing your inner magician.

Feeling like things are a bit lopsided? All work and no time to play? It’s about to change. Mercury transits, bringing the specifics you need for your next step. The New Moon invites the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Work may be just as busy, but now you have more precise information. Uranus goes direct for those streaks of genius that keep you ahead of the pack.

Ruled by Venus, governed by the element of air, Libra works for peace, beauty, and serenity. This week you may have to get tough. Consider the judges and psychologists whose work affects others. Mercury transits to fine-tune your creative expression. The New Moon arrives for the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Uranus goes direct to bring your genius insights to the surface.

You’re still dealing with undercurrents. There are plenty. You’re a master at sensing subtle movements. You endear yourself to those who depend on your abilities as you keep them up to date. Mercury transits for clear communication at home. The New Moon joins in to begin the Lunar New Year of the Snake. You’re teamed up with powerful players as Uranus goes direct.

Sagittarians have important decisions to make. You’ve given to others, often without a thought for return. Now it’s time to turn the rewards inward. The majority of the planets lie in the private sectors of your chart. Mercury transits to keep conversations coming. The New Moon invites the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Uranus goes direct, adding a brilliant spark to your spirit.

Things line up for you in a big way. You may have sensed it; now you’ll live it. Mercury transits from Capricorn to add conversations around income. If you are looking at finances, negotiations or agreements, they are going to matter. The New Moon is the portal for the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Your power is returned. Uranus goes direct to show you just how much.

Pluto, the Sun and Ceres are in your sign. They’re here to revamp all you are and have been. You may be on a roller coaster up, down and around. Feeling light and bright as you go through it? Abundance is the result. Mercury transits to Aquarius for clarity. The New Moon begins the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Uranus goes direct. Get ready to be astonished. Happy Birthday!

Give yourself a chance to sift through priorities. Your dreams are taking shape. They may demand your attention. That’s because the power of your imagination moves into manifesting mode. Mercury transits to communicate through your subconscious mind. The New Moon invites the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Uranus goes direct as you make a brilliant impression.