January 31 – February 7
The Aries Moon brings heat to your week. Then Venus enters your sign. You may feel the luxury upgrade. This goddess loves to invest in only the best. This in turn brings a lift and comfort to your surroundings. Watch for opportunities; no need to jump. Perhaps the next offer will be even better. Jupiter goes direct. Communications expand in a useful direction.

If you have let your dreams go and they keep coming back, maybe the universe is trying to tell you something. This time of year was once known for a slow start. Right now that’s not the case. Venus moves into your solar twelfth house for a luxury viewpoint. Jupiter goes direct. Plans expand. Connecting the dots may not be a given, but communication gets you started.

This is your week. Things expand and opportunities arrive. Time is on pinpoint accuracy. Venus moves into your fast-moving sector of friends and group associations. Jupiter goes direct in your sign. You may find your thoughts blend with others, bringing balance to your days. Your personality sparks interest and a response, whatever you choose to share.

Mars is retrograde in Cancer as you continue to consider. In the meantime, Venus moves into a hot career space. Things happen quickly when you mention them and manifest in real time. Jupiter goes direct. You could take on more than expected. It’s a compliment to your talents, even if your time is not your own. Anticipating opportunities adds vision to your next step.

You may have leeway in your choices, or you may not. A partner may be scheduled with impossible demands, whether it’s obligations at work or projects to complete. Your support is appreciated and makes all the difference. This doesn’t mean you must give up your goals. Venus transits to consider long-distance luxuries. Jupiter goes direct to help make plans.

Steeped in work? Pluto, Mercury, the Sun and Ceres are all in this sector of your chart. Big changes and plenty of communication are coming to you. Encouragement with a promise to cover the bases keeps you going. Venus transits to heat things up. This goddess creates luxury with a transformation. Jupiter goes direct. Career matters spring to life. Plans expand quickly.

The majority of your planetary influences hover between pleasurable pursuits and your work. How do you fit both in? Pluto, Mercury, the Sun and Ceres require that you take time out for yourself. Whether you spark through social scenes or artistic expression, your greatest shifts come with more breathing space. Ruler Venus transits to make relationships lovey-dovey.

Work may take on a different quality. Venus transits to influence your comfort levels. There is an easy balance for Scorpios. Life at home and personal power merge to your benefit. You may be surprised to discover requests are heard and considered. Jupiter goes direct to move you forward. If you are interested in making changes where you live, the path is open.

Your high ideals are now on the line. Will you go along with the group or stay true to yourself? If you experience inner conflict, going against yourself could be shattering. Staying intact can be tricky. Venus transits to bring you fighting power in an elegant offering. This is especially true with creative work or children. Jupiter moves direct to expand the support you may receive.

You’re able to complete your tasks, though they may feel monumental. Venus transits to make life more comfortable at home. Pallas Athene, the original warrior goddess, is in your sign. She offers you a creative bonus. You can respond to whatever is thrown at you. Jupiter goes direct. Expansive energy is available at work. There’s an uplift to the mood of this week.

If you were born this week, Happy Birthday! There is so much on your plate, you may as well dive in. The planets are here to assist you. Ceres, the Sun, Mercury and Pluto are all in Aquarius. You’re handling a lot of responsibility, but you have the wind at your back. Venus transits to make your conversations fierce. Jupiter goes direct, expanding your creative spirit.

You’re shouldering a lot. That’s a big ask, since Pisces works better on their own schedule. Conforming to the physical world when the cosmos says something else is a challenge. Still, Venus transits to your solar house of income. She brings a bonus in some form, or may drop by with a gift. Numbers in your financial realm could increase. Treat yourself.