June 16, 2011

June 16, 2011

Sound-off about us or anything you like


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011

Shane Busato


Regarding “Getting Shirty” (The Last Word, June 3): I’ve made a formal suggestion to the Eikaiwa I work for that we push things even further, and adopt what I’m calling “The European on Holiday” Ultra-Super-Cool-Biz look. All male teachers will be issued with a pair of tiny T-backed thong underpants, flip-flops and one large bottle of cocoa-butter. Rules around grooming will remain unchanged, though hairy backs are strongly encouraged wherever possible. Also, teachers will be expected to show up at schools at five in the morning and lay a towel on whichever chair they intend to use for the day. No word yet on how upper-management are responding to the initiative, but I remain hopeful.

The Aloha shirt is considered business attire for pretty much everyone in Hawaii (except lawyers, wouldn’t you know), from bank presidents to salesmen. But there are certain (unwritten) rules: placket-front (tucked in), reverse prints (which have more muted colors) are preferable, and cotton and silk are definitely preferred over polyester. Here, of course, it’ll probably turn into an anything-goes fashion free-for-all. Women don’t wear muumuu much anymore, not even on Aloha Friday.

Look to the Philippines for an answer. They have dress wear for their hot summer. Same goes for much of Southeast Asia. It doesn’t take Hawaiian shirts to dress in a cool fashion. Just a little time online to research what people in hot climates are already doing.

Aloha shirts, Bermuda shorts, and slamming down a few sneaky icy-cold beers on your lunch break is the sensible answer to surviving this unprecedented summer.—BurakuminDes*

…if they could get people to wear board shorts with the Aloha shirts, then they could finally call it “cool biz.”

I haven’t seen one Aloha shirt in any office yet, though I see plenty of those orange clown shoes on young salarymen.—Serrano*

Let’s go straight to sexy cool biz: nipple tassles and assless chaps.


Regarding “LL Cool J” (Star Struck, June 3): hasn’t had a hit album in a decade. He’s no longer a rapper but a Hollywood sellout.

Perhaps, but at least he’s not on that bandwagon of singing vile Gangsta Rap, spewing hate against women, constant profanity, glorifying gangsta street lifestyle. Good for him, I say! I love rap, but when I was growing up 20 years ago, rap had a positive message, great beats, and funny and catchy lyrics. But nowadays, it’s about violence, money and a whole lot of talentless guys using Auto-tunes. LL has a long history of making music and some pretty decent movies, but how many other rappers these day obtain that kind of success?


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*Via Japan Today
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