Minato City Reaches Out To Foreign Residents

Minato City Reaches Out To Foreign Residents

New multi-language email information service to start this October


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on September 2013

In an effort to increase cross-cultural communication and decrease misunderstandings, Minato City plans to start an email information service for foreign residents in the city on October 10, 2013.

The friendly folks in the Minato City office plan to send out details on local events, businesses and other official guidance via an opt-in email newsletter service. The service—which will be provided in English, Korean and Chinese—requires applicants simply to register their email address, area and the type of information they would like to receive on the city’s website. Once registered, users can receive periodic notifications on their chosen preferences that include subjects such as child and health care, assistance for the elderly, disaster preparedness and community activities.

With the growing use of smart phones and digital devices, the municipal government understands that it is now much easier and more convenient for residents to receive information through electronic and digital channels, rather than printed-paper publications. While the city already uses social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, the information provided there (other than basic emergency information on earthquakes and other natural disasters) is in Japanese only—and thus could present a barrier for foreign residents to access.

All Minato City residents 20-years-old and over, including those who work and study there, are eligible. The email service will start on October 10, with notifications planned to be sent at least twice per month. The city says that they also plan to conduct two surveys during the year in order to address any concerns and improve the system.

Those wishing to sign up for the service can register here.

Minato City
Global Community Planning Subsection
1-5-25 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8511
Tel: 03-3578-2046
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5:15pm