Mori Girls

Mori Girls

Originally published on on September 2009 The latest fashion statement being made by Japanese women is something of an anti-statement. Mori Girls (森ガール) are all-natural and proud of it, with a back-to-basics sensibility and a down-to-earth approach to style. The movement started in 2006 when a Mixi user was told by a friend, “You […]


Originally published on on September 2009

The latest fashion statement being made by Japanese women is something of an anti-statement. Mori Girls (森ガール) are all-natural and proud of it, with a back-to-basics sensibility and a down-to-earth approach to style. The movement started in 2006 when a Mixi user was told by a friend, “You look like you could be in the woods.” A few short years later, glossy fashion magazines devoted to the style include Spoon, Fudge and Spur, and the online community boasts 36,000 members. Check the following to see if you meet the “forest girl” standard.

  • You are fair-skinned
  • Your hair is soft and wavy
  • You prefer dark colors like brown and forest green
  • You keep your nails short
  • You like to wear loose dresses
  • You don’t like fashion that’s too “sweet”
  • You are very keen on northern European style
  • People describe you as “translucent”
  • You prefer leather bags
  • You like antiques and pocket watches
  • You use round blush on your cheeks
  • You get excited when visiting furniture stores
  • Your favorite seasons are autumn and winter
  • Puffed sleeves make your heart ache

Source: Mixi