Okinawa Music Festival

Okinawa Music Festival

Originally published on on July 2010 Some of the best singers in the flavorsome Okinawan folk-music tradition arrive in Shinjuku for a night of Ryukyu rhythms. Topping the bill is the formidable Misako Koja (below), long one of the finest exponents of Okinawa’s shimauta (“island song”) style and the leader of famed group Nenes. […]


Originally published on on July 2010

Some of the best singers in the flavorsome Okinawan folk-music tradition arrive in Shinjuku for a night of Ryukyu rhythms. Topping the bill is the formidable Misako Koja (below), long one of the finest exponents of Okinawa’s shimauta (“island song”) style and the leader of famed group Nenes. Representing the emerging generation are artists like the winsome singer Kizuki Minami and tightly choreographed taiko drum group Ryujin, whose style presents a contrast to better-known mainland ensembles like Kodo. Earlier in the day, the Shinjuku Eisa Festival 2010 features teams of traditional folk dancers marching through the streets east of Shinjuku station.

“Okinawa Music Festival”
Sanshin player Misako Koja and others. July 31, 3:30pm, ¥3,500. Shinjuku Bunka Center. Tel: 03-3350-1141.