Robert Waters

Robert Waters

Originally published on on July 2010 Perhaps the most controversial artistic exploration of gay themes since Robert Mapplethorpe, Robert Waters’ exhibition “Man” arrives in Tokyo for a month-long stint. The Canadian artist’s installations and drawings explore the body and human nature via themes of sexuality, violence and mortality. The three-part show is comprised of […]


Originally published on on July 2010

Courtesy of Mizuma Art Gallery

Perhaps the most controversial artistic exploration of gay themes since Robert Mapplethorpe, Robert Waters’ exhibition “Man” arrives in Tokyo for a month-long stint. The Canadian artist’s installations and drawings explore the body and human nature via themes of sexuality, violence and mortality. The three-part show is comprised of Clean Up Your Act you Dirty Faggots, based on gay pornography from the ’70s; Man at Computer, which investigates our growing intimacy with technology through images of men alone at night in the glow of their computers; and the “live” installation Killing San Sebastian, featuring a life-size drawing of the Christian martyr that’s “completed” by being shot at with bows and arrows.

Mizuma Art Gallery
Robert Waters. Photography, installation. July 14-Aug 14, free. Sai Mariuta. Peace and Waves. Painting. July 14-Aug 14, free. 1-3-9, Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku. Tel: 03-3793-7931. Open Tue-Sat 11am-7pm, closed Sun-Mon. Nearest stn: Nakameguro.