

More for your dough in Shibuya


Originally published on on January 2013

Get more for your dough with the pizza at the New York-Italian restaurant Sbarro (1-24-15 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku;, which has opened up in Shibuya to make the neighborhood’s gyaru and gigolos an offer they can’t refuse. Whether you like thin and crispy, soft and doughy, Stromboli-style or stuffed crusts, Sbarro can toss the lot. Choose your crust, add your preferred sauce, and throw on toppings galore for a one-of-a-kind personalized pizza from ¥2,310. From 4-7pm on weekdays wash the crumbs down with a glass of beer for ¥180 or a red or white wine for a staggeringly cheap ¥100. Mange!