Style on Trial

Style on Trial

Young Tokyoites sound off about girl-boy fashion taboos


Originally published on on May 2010

I don’t like it when short girls wear platform shoes to make themselves look taller. I think short girls are cute and I want them to be themselves.

I don’t like it when chubby guys wear sheepskin boots. It makes them look even fatter, like they have elephant legs.

I prefer girls not to wear too much pink and frilly stuff. It makes them look childish or like a Barbie doll.

I’m not so crazy about my girlfriend just wearing a T-shirt, jeans, kicks and a backpack. It’s just not sexy to wear such casual clothing.

I don’t like guys who wear shoes with pointy toes. They look too cocky.

When girls expose too much skin, it just makes me uncomfortable.

I hate it when guys wear stuff with skull motifs. It’s not tough—it just makes them look like junior high school kids.

I wouldn’t want to go on a date with a girl who wears one of those flower-print dresses. I just see them too often at the moment. I want to be with someone who’s more of an individual.