

Enjoy a girls night out without the creepers


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on August 2012

Going against the tradition of snaku, or little Japanese bars that are usually infested with men, the awkwardly transliterated Raimraito (7F Shin Maruouchi Bldg, 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku; www.raimuraito.jp) was created for women to enjoy a drink without any lone men perving all over them. Photojournalist and snaku-obsessive Kyoichi Suzuki opened this lush red lounge-style bar to fill a perceived hole in the market, using a typical snaku name, replacing the usual hostesses with besuited waiters, and installing celebrity transvestite Mitz Mangrove as the mama-san. Table charge ¥1,000; men permitted in company of women only.