August 10, 2009
He’s Just Not That Into You
Originally published on on August 2009 This multi-arc, rather perfunctory romantic comedy has four main plots, some slightly more interesting than others, and none that I have the space or any real desire to go into. This overlong belaboring of the obvious is one of those “get a bunch of good-looking names together and […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on on August 2009
This multi-arc, rather perfunctory romantic comedy has four main plots, some slightly more interesting than others, and none that I have the space or any real desire to go into. This overlong belaboring of the obvious is one of those “get a bunch of good-looking names together and those ’tweeners out there will flock to see it” movies. Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly, Ben Affleck, Scarlett Johansson, Drew Barrymore, Justin Long, Ginnifer Goodwin, etc. Tries to be Love, Actually. Fails. Its genesis was a Sex and the City episode, and how lame is that? No passion. Not funny. I just couldn’t get into it.