June 2, 2011
I Spit On Your Grave
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011 You have to wonder about anyone who would want to make a flick this despicable, let alone remake one (Roger Ebert famously awarded the 1978 original zero stars). Comely female writer renting a backwoods cabin is raped and beaten by a quintet of local knuckle-draggers, but later returns […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011

© 2010 Family of the Year Productions, L.L.C
You have to wonder about anyone who would want to make a flick this despicable, let alone remake one (Roger Ebert famously awarded the 1978 original zero stars). Comely female writer renting a backwoods cabin is raped and beaten by a quintet of local knuckle-draggers, but later returns to wreak upon them some arguably worse revenge. I’m sorry I watched this torture porn. Now, everyone, whether they admit it or not, likes a good revenge flick. Ask Charles Bronson. But this is artless sadism. It’s not clever; it’s not stylized; it has no point. If you like this movie, please stop reading my column.