November 28, 2017
Latino Americando 3
Discover the African roots of Latin rhythms in the new edition of Latino Americando, the only Latin musical in Japan!
By Metropolis
The African Roots of Latin America
Come watch the only Latin American musical in Japan! Latino Americando is a unique two-and-a-half-hour show with 18 music genres from the countries of Latin America and showcasing over 50 Latin American and Japanese artists. A rare opportunity to enjoy the vibrant music and rich culture Latin America is famous for, this December 2nd at Kyurian Hall.
Kyurian Hall
2017/12/2 (Sat)
Doors Open at 4pm. Show starts at 5pm.
For the chance to win free tickets for Latino Americando check the Metropolis Twitter and Facebook pages.
Twitter: twitter.com/metropolistokyo
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MetropolisMagazine
Tickets will be kept at the reception desk, and paid for at the time of the event.
E-mail: info@latinoamericandojp.com
Twitter: @latamJP
Facebook: www.facebook.com/