Sweet Greens

Sweet Greens

A Japanese sweet goes savory


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on March 2014

Long-established Japanese confectionery Taneya (http://taneya.jp/home/) has produced an innovative new sweet to enjoy this spring: Olive Daifuku (¥945). Six delicate and bite-sized daifukumochi (rice cake with sweet bean paste) sit inside a fragile little package alongside a mini-bottle of non-filtered extra virgin olive oil. Drizzle the emerald green liquid over the stark white daifuku to produce a beautiful, jewel-like treat. Pop one in your mouth and the slightly fruity olive oil, faint saltiness of the mochi and sugary azuki filling combine to create a unique and understated taste sensation—a mixture of classic Japanese and Western flavors. Available online or on sale in depachika—the B1 floor of major department stores.