May 16, 2017
tiernan’s Quiet Comeback
People give up on their dreams every day. They submit to the daily grind of everyday life. Not tiernan. He has never been capable of giving in. Born with Marfan Syndrome, a genetic disorder of the connective tissues, the lanky giant (he’s 6’7”, height is a byproduct of the disease) was snatched from the jaws […]
By Wanda Kropp
People give up on their dreams every day. They submit to the daily grind of everyday life.
Not tiernan. He has never been capable of giving in. Born with Marfan Syndrome, a genetic disorder of the connective tissues, the lanky giant (he’s 6’7”, height is a byproduct of the disease) was snatched from the jaws of death by six Japanese doctors in an emergency surgery at the age of thirty-four. Writing and performing his own touching and powerful tunes, tiernan was told that he wouldn’t get much airplay without a record deal. But he has managed to get broadcast on over one hundred radio stations worldwide, and has attracted fans from all over the world. Putting his solo career on hold in 2010, he formed nature airliner, a folk duo that has performed at two Hard Rock Cafés, Zandari Festa (South Korea’s answer to SXSW), and even The Troubadour in London (one of Bob Dylan’s former venues).
Spring of 2017 sees him in more demand. He has a series of solo acoustic performances at an array of intimate venues spread across Greater Tokyo. He’ll showcase fresh material in preparation for new recordings at the end of June. tiernan’s shows are musically sophisticated and emotionally affective, not surprising given his life experience.
Check out this exciting and unique Tokyo transplant who refused to give in to death and to a stubborn music industry.
For more information, please contact the artist directly (infolaurier@gmail.com ) or the venues in question.
(Full disclosure: Laurier Tiernan is also a veteran music journalist who has contributed extensively to Metropolis, as well as various other publications.)
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday May 18th @ The Pink Cow – Restaurant, Art Bar & Funky Space @ 20:00-20:45. Opening for Moonshots
Friday May 19th @ クローフィッシュ赤坂 as part of International Acoustic Night At Crawfish Akasaka (ft. Koji Tamura of D.O.G.S, Haru Drake, and others.
Wednesday May 24th @ Soul Food House
Saturday May 27th @ pub republic at 21:30
Friday June 2nd @ The Pink Cow – Restaurant, Art Bar & Funky Space with Special Guests. Details TBA.
Monday, June 5th @ 三軒茶屋HEAVEN’S DOOR. Details TBA.
Saturday June 10th @ Gamuso Asagaya
Tuesday June 13th, @ FINN McCOOL’S 赤坂店 (フィン マクールズ アカサカテン)
Friday June 16th @ Sound Gallery Slope at 19:00 w nature airliner