Tokyo Tarot

Tokyo Tarot

Putting Japan’s nuclear cards on the table


Originally published on on February 2013

As a new regular feature, Metropolis‘ resident tarot expert offers an overview analysis of a current news item or celebrity profile. This week, we ask:

What nuclear policy should the government pursue that is best for Japan as a whole?

Answer: The five of rods, the five of pentacles and the queen of swords


The five of rods tells us about fighting among a group of people who should be working together, and warns their arguments could easily escalate; they should take a step back and reconsider their actions in the spirit of helping the whole.

The five of pentacles is the card of material hardship, borne of clumsy decision-making in the past—but the situation is not irretrievable. The figures in the card merely need to ask for help and they will get it.

Finally, the queen of swords is a call to create an environment where everyone can analyze the facts calmly; it’s also a card of sorrow, so the implication is that there has been some disaster that led up to the present situation.

Overall, the tarot advises calm, unpartisan analysis and cooperation in order to overcome the current crisis in the nuclear industry.

Elise Mori is a tarot professional living in sunny Yokosuka, Kanagawa. She has been reading cards for over 20 years. As a spring promo, mention you read Metropolis to get 15% off your first reading.