Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on October 2014

After awakening from a coma in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, sheriff’s deputy Rick Grimes has been battling to lead a group of survivors toward salvation. But not all of them are going to make it.
Season 5 of Golden Globe-nominated horror series The Walking Dead opens with Rick and his people separated, some unaccounted for, and others locked up in the supposed sanctuary of Terminus. But is Terminus really the safe haven it’s claimed to be? In a world where the end is a bite away, it’s never clear who will still be standing at the end of each season—or even each episode.
The U.S. premiere of The Walking Dead season 5 was the most-watched drama series telecast in basic cable history. Find out why this Sunday!
Season 5 of The Walking Dead starts Sunday, October 19 at 10pm on Fox.