June 9, 2011
X-Men: First Class
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011 Prequels and “origin” movies are what you make when you’ve run out of ideas but are told by the accounting office to do something—anything—to reboot a profitable franchise. This one examines the origins of Magneto and Professor X, with Michael Fassbender playing the young Erik Lehnsherr and James […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011

© X-Men Character Likenesses TM & © 2011 Marvel Characters, Inc.All rights reserved. TM and © 2011 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
Prequels and “origin” movies are what you make when you’ve run out of ideas but are told by the accounting office to do something—anything—to reboot a profitable franchise. This one examines the origins of Magneto and Professor X, with Michael Fassbender playing the young Erik Lehnsherr and James McAvoy the young Charles Francis Xavier. Kevin Bacon surfaces to play the film’s supervillain. Annoying score, expensive special effects. I thought the first movie was cool and the second cooler. The third was just silly. This one bored me. Positive: Hugh Jackman gets to use the F-word in his cameo.