

Shangri-la offers a course in edible architecture


Originally published on on December 2013

While the holidays are a time for getting together with relatives of both the tolerable and the other variety in the kitchen and around the dining table, a 1LDK apartment doesn’t offer the room for a Christmas cookie baking marathon. Enter Shangri-La’s Gingerbread House Decorating Class, a lesson led by the hotel’s patissier en residence. Design your house any way you like under his expert advice and when your masterpiece is finished reward yourself with a delicious afternoon tea set. The event for children is open to kids 3 and up with a guardian (¥8,500 for the pair). For those who would rather do make their edible architecture free from the pitter patter of little feet, there’s a ladies-only session on December 22 that includes a glass of Laurent-Perrier champagne with tea. See listings, other for details.