Horoscope Jan 20 – Jan 26

Horoscope Jan 20 – Jan 26

It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope  ♥ Love    ¥ Money    ♣ Luck Horoscope Jan 20 – Jan 26 March 20 – April 18 ♥♥♥♥¥¥¥♣♣ There’s so much happening for Aries. The Sun enters your friendship sector. This is a welcome placement, offering a chance to catch your breath. Then the New Moon joins in. […]


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥ Love    ¥ Money    ♣ Luck

Horoscope Jan 20 – Jan 26

March 20 – April 18


There’s so much happening for Aries. The Sun enters your friendship sector. This is a welcome placement, offering a chance to catch your breath. Then the New Moon joins in. Ideas shared with groups invite a cutting-edge approach. Uranus, which governs genius insights, tech developments, and electricity, goes direct. In your finance sector, it can suddenly boost income.

April 19 – May 19


You don’t have to go far to reach your dreams. The Sun transits to your solar tenth house of career. You are seen as a leader, filled with confidence. The New Moon joins this sector. These luminaries work to create an innovative new chapter on your behalf. Uranus, retrograde in Taurus since August, goes direct. Changes and surprises are favored and back in your court.

May 20– June 20


This week lets you catch your breath. It’s so well aligned with the stars you may want to keep going. The Sun transits to warm up long-distance trips and visions of the future. The New Moon joins in. This team is all about inviting cutting-edge additions to your present moment. The aura of Venus touches your solar tenth house. This goddess adds a luxurious light to your career.

June 21 – July 21


Your solar eighth house receives a warming balm. The Sun transits to this area, bringing confidence to changes you may consider. The New Moon joins in. This powerful team offers you the chance to start something new. Being in the planning stages counts, too. Venus wants you to be comfortable. This goddess of love and beauty lets you sink into a deeper spiritual insight.

July 22 – August 22


The magic continues. Leos are in a lucky streak. The Sun enters your solar seventh house. It shines light on long-term commitments. If you’re in a relationship, this luminary energizes to bring you closer. The New Moon joins in. They’re a team. They like starting something new which means you may, too. Venus takes a step to add beauty and value to any transformation.

August 23 – September 21


Throwing yourself into work gives you a reason to celebrate. The Sun transits to this sector of your chart. Hearts warm and confidence is restored. The New Moon joins in. They’re a powerful duo, as they enjoy starting something new. If technology, medicine, or humanitarian projects are involved, so much the better. Venus wants you to luxuriate in a long-term commitment.

September 22 – October 22


You can’t make up what has been happening. It’s all perfect to expand the story of your life. The Sun enters your solar fifth house. This luminary warms up romance, creative efforts, and time you spend with children. Then the New Moon joins in, creating your next chapter. Ruling planet Venus adds her focus to beauty, comfort, and intrigue – all in your sector of work.

October 23 – November 21


Scorpios can never resist a mystery. Even when you promise yourself you won’t get pulled in, eventually temptation is too much. Plus, you’re good at it. This week is no different. The Sun enters your sector of home life. Then the New Moon connects the pieces of your puzzle. Another chapter begins. Venus takes a moment to touch your solar fifth house of romance. Great!

November 22 – December 20


The Sun enters your house of communication. Speak from the heart. You may find you’re not alone in how you feel. Uranus, retrograde since August, moves direct. This planet upgrades by specializing in sudden changes without notice. It heightens senses and tunes up instincts. Dealing with the physical realm gets easier. Venus makes sure you’re surrounded by beauty.

December 21 – January 18


It’s all happening behind the scenes. For you, it’s your private life. The majority of planets are busy working things out. The Sun enters your solar second house. It warms and brightens your finances. Uranus goes direct to spice up romance. It still affects sudden changes, but now they align with your desires. Venus beautifies to reflect how communication can make your day.

January 19 – February 17


As the Sun enters Aquarius, it’s time to start celebrating. Happy Birthday! The New Moon in your sign puts you out ahead. This is a week for fresh starts. Uranus, your ruling planet, goes direct. It means the changes and insights it brings are aligned especially for you. What you like and how you feel is taken into consideration. Venus prepares delights for a luxurious treat.

February 18-March 19


There’s a lot going on in your house of dreams. It makes sense if you need a little time to drift and doze. The Sun enters this sector of your chart, lighting up your imagination. Inspiration and confidence are given priority. Uranus makes a move for clarity. It goes direct, bringing a spark to connections you make. Venus touches Pisces. Beauty is yours, inside and out.

Illustrations by wynettaceasarani