Horoscope March 31 – April 7

Horoscope March 31 – April 7

March 31 - April 7


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥ Love♥   ¥ Money¥   ♣ Luck

Horoscope March 31 – April 7

March 20 – April 18


Busy doesn’t begin to describe it, but for Aries it’s a breeze. Happy April Fool’s Day! This time of year is pivotal, especially for you. Happy Birthday! Getting more attention than you planned on? This week’s Full Moon begs for balance. In fact, it insists. In a relationship? It may be more about them. Seriously single? There’s still time to book yourself in for a treat.

April 19 – May 19


Your ruling planet is under the microscope. Not directly, but by association. Venus has her work cut out for her. Happy April Fool’s! This goddess of love and romance likes to look good, be surrounded by beauty, and have plenty of cash or credit to cover the bill. With the Full Moon, emotions can heat up. Create a space where soothing plans revive and nurture.

May 20– June 20


This is a week you can easily navigate. In fact, you’ll probably enjoy the challenge. Happy April Fool’s! Actually, it’s a week for the memory files. This Full Moon is in your solar fifth house. Your creativity may fly off the charts, and romance could too. Emotions have a way of reveling in fireworks. Reflected light is all hearts and roses. Check out an art gallery or a nearby bistro.

June 21 – July 21


Happy April Fool’s Day! Why is this week important? Could you close your eyes and wish it all away? Or breathe it in closer and never let it go? There’s a Full Moon to soothe all your tensions. It offers a secure base to keep you balanced. It can soak up excess concerns, especially on behalf of others. The constant flow of feelings can go straight to your heart – and your bank account.

July 22 – August 22


Leos are hitting a high step. You may reach out to upgrade your career, or cash in with the perks to keep you there. Happy April Fool’s Day! Venus, Uranus, and Juno may be at odds. Venus wants to be comfy, and Juno supports this. Uranus is considering a scorched-earth approach. This Full Moon cares about you. Be sure to share your ideas. They are likely to catch on.

August 23 – September 21


Happy April Fool’s Day! The pressure lifts a tiny bit. Neptune opposite your sign helps dissolve the weight of the world. It offers visions of how you’d be in a satisfying relationship. At the same time, there’s a Full Moon. It reflects light and awareness onto your finances. Not a bad thing, as it brings balance to your idea of income and what really holds value for you.

September 22 – October 22


If emotions have been running high, double your meditation time. Happy April Fool’s! You won’t mind, as this week stands securely in your corner. Your sign is governed by Venus. You’re all about beauty, romance, and balance. How can this be, with your house of relationships so completely packed? The Full Moon is in Libra. You can hold your own.

October 23 – November 21


Need some space for yourself? Happy April Fool’s Day! Work moves at top speed. Your laser focus is out ahead, which won’t brake for the competition. The Sun merges with Chiron for warmth and healing. Then the Full Moon connects with your dreams. It reflects light in your house of privacy, sacred spaces, and reaching down deep within yourself.  

November 22 – December 20


Though planets won’t transit through Sagittarius, you can still be in your element. With the Sun, Chiron, Jupiter, Vesta and Mercury in your solar fifth house, it’s romance all the way. Happy April Fool’s! Skipping the whole lovefest scene? Put this energy into creative efforts.

December 21 – January 18


If you’ve done everything you can, it’s time to have a cup of tea. One way or another, you must give yourself a chance for balance. Feeling serious all the time is so flatline, don’t you agree? Happy April Fool’s Day! Once you laugh and see the changes for what they are, you are free. Comfortable in your own skin, this Full Moon doesn’t mind if you indulge in a little romance.

January 19 – February 17


Mind control? Fear-based tactics? Happy April Fool’s Day! Aquarius has a gift for developing their instincts. Without even knowing it, you’ve acquired an acceptance of human nature (while still aspiring for that high point). Whether it’s a rung in the ladder of your career or a spiritual revelation, this Full Moon negotiates a comfortable reach that will keep you in cozy land.

February 18-March 19


Don’t see around the corner, but you can sense it? That’s what Pisces is about – connecting with all that is. You know you are part of it. When you move, it moves, and vice-versa. Happy April Fool’s Day! Interactions on your behalf come with this week’s Full Moon. It’s pretty much all transformation, all the time.

Illustrations by wynettaceasarani