February 24, 2011
I’ll Be Your Mirror
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on February 2011 All Tomorrow’s Parties—the trendy traveling rock circus that created the concept of artists “curating” lineups themselves—hangs its shingle in Japan for the first time this weekend. Produced in collaboration with Summer Sonic promoters Creativeman, I’ll Be Your Mirror takes its name from the B-side to The Velvet Underground’s […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on February 2011

Courtesy of Creativeman
All Tomorrow’s Parties—the trendy traveling rock circus that created the concept of artists “curating” lineups themselves—hangs its shingle in Japan for the first time this weekend. Produced in collaboration with Summer Sonic promoters Creativeman, I’ll Be Your Mirror takes its name from the B-side to The Velvet Underground’s original “All Tomorrow’s Parties” 7” single. Appropriately, the event is headlined by the recently reunited Montreal experimental rock act Godspeed You! Black Emperor, whose own name is taken from a Japanese documentary about a biker gang. The local contingent, meanwhile, includes overseas festival faves like Boris (pictured) and Melt-Banana.
“I’ll Be Your Mirror”
Feb 27, 2:30pm, ¥7,800. Studio Coast, Shin-Kiba. Tel: Creativeman 03-3462-6969. http://illbeyourmirror.com