Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on March 2012

Most action flicks focus on the requisite car chases, shootouts and fisticuffs, relegating the characters, both heroes and villains, to what amounts to cartoon figures. These have their fans, and they’re entertaining to a point, but they’re style over substance. What we have here is an extremely stylish noir-actioner for thinking people that offers plenty of substance as well. Think Bullitt. Or even Shane. As the title implies, it’s about a street-smart guy (Ryan Gosling) who drives cars; movie stunt cars, race cars, and, by the way, getaway cars. Don’t miss the opening sequence. The fact that the hero is not invincible (like, say, Die Hard) makes for some fine suspense. And you really have no idea where this is going. That helps, too. Gosling’s inscrutable character doesn’t say much, but he manages to convey more through subtle expressions and mannerisms than a dozen heavily armed, cleverly quipping action heroes. Carey Mulligan is again flawless as a neighbor in need who breaks through his emotional shell, and Albert Brooks plays against his lovable-schmuck type (he voiced Nemo’s father!) to create a truly chilling, believable villain. Exciting, seductive, existential, visceral, emotionally engaging, and not to be missed.