Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope

December 7 – December 13


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥Love    ¥Money    ♣Luck


March 20 – April 18

♥♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣

The New Moon perks up your travel feelers. If destinations float through your thoughts or keep circulating back, it’s time to check your schedule. Plan to open up some space for adventure. Mercury is now direct. What you say and what’s heard resonate in the same zone. A big chunk of life becomes easier. Not only that, this transit frees you up, so you can make it happen.


April 19 – May 19

♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣

Opposite your sign, Mercury has gone direct. Conversations clear up. Your mind works the way you’d like it to. You can find your keys. The New Moon picks up on what you share in an important relationship. Boundaries get blurred, but the sense of adventure keeps you going. Mercury leaves your long-term partner sector and enters a transformative level of attraction.


May 20 – June 20

♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣

No need to burn out before the holidays officially arrive. While the bells and whistles are already on display, you’re in the midst of clearing a space for fun. Mercury is now direct. As your ruling planet, this puts things in perspective. Order and organization are yours. The New Moon in your partnership sector suggests time out together. Mercury transits to find a way!


June 21 – July 21

♥♥♥ ¥¥¥¥ ♣♣♣

Weeks in December have a way of streaming by. Mercury has moved into direct motion. He’s in your romance sector. If there’s something you’ve been wanting to say, now may be a time to consider it. Venus is there, waiting. She’s the type who adds a rosy glow, giving an ethereal light when you need it. Oh, she’s expensive, too. But she’s worth it.


July 22 – August 22

♥♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣

You’re in charge, regardless of who tries to steal center stage. Leos have generous hearts, but a line is drawn this week. The stars do it for you. The North Node of the Moon has left Leo. It’s a form of destiny, which is now in your area of dreams and sanctuary. This includes the pull of karma. Mercury transits mid-week to help your good works become a romantic liberation.


August 23 – September 21

♥♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣♣

What can you get a Virgo who has everything? If it’s a tad early for presents, consider self-gifting. Ruler Mercury has gone direct. Not only can you think clearly, you see the folly around you. Or is that holiday foliage? The New Moon is a trickster. In your solar fourth house, where you live may be in the midst of change. Or are those decorations for the season?


September 22 – October 22

♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣

Isn’t it wonderful to breathe deeply, reducing the alarm state within? You enjoy a sense of peace in the midst of holiday madness. Be sure to rest, then allow yourself to help others. Planets in the throes of change need warriors. Ruled by Venus, you may think, ‘What? Me?’ This goddess of love is still a strength to be reckoned with. The New Moon starts your bold chapter of truth.


October 23 – November 21

♥♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣

Things haven’t changed as much as you’d like? You are getting through it. You’ve developed a sleek, elegant approach which others envy. You can share, yet briefly, without feelings holding you hostage. Your finesse is stepped up with Mercury now direct. The New Moon helps you assess risk-taking with your finances. You are likely to move up a level. Romance finds you.


November 22 – December 20

♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣

Not every Sagittarius agrees with all others. Each sign has different levels of soul focus within. That said, most Sags agree on a straightforward, truthful accounting. The New Moon is in your sign. It offers a chance to begin a new chapter. Mercury, now direct, transits to your sign. Communications are quick. Walk a straight line. You will be in your element.


December 21 – January 18

♥♥♥ ¥¥¥¥ ♣♣♣

It’s true that Capricorn is further along the zodiac circle. Yours is the final earth sign before things start over again. You’re born with a high level of responsibility. This doesn’t mean you must do everything on your own. The New Moon and Mercury transit to your solar twelfth house. Moments intersect with deep realms to help out. You are wise this week. Enjoy it.


January 19 – February 17

♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣♣

Just when you think bumps in the road will never end, the path becomes paved. The New Moon starts another chapter, one you have earned. Immediate possibilities may be time-sensitive, but there are far more than before. A part of you becomes free again. Mercury transits to make conversations with friends and groups enjoyable. Work details are easier to accept.


February 18 – March 19

♥♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣

Gather your strength. Give yourself breathing space. Not all that happens is in the realm of what’s seen or understood. This doesn’t mean they’re not really there. Open to all the good coming to you. The New Moon in your house of career offers a quest. It’s fun. Not what you’ve done before? Mercury transits to this sector, bringing clarity to your next step.