November 6, 2014
Horoscope: November 7-13, 2014
What's in the stars for the week ahead?
By Cathryn Moe
Mar 20-Apr 19
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Staying on an even keel is a comfortable place to be. Having said that, Aries is experiencing a striking response to just about everything at the moment. This is not so much a comment on what’s not working as it is an arrow pointing at areas to strengthen. You’re ahead of the game with Mars, your ruler, connecting to Pluto on Monday and Tuesday. Holding steady from within and letting yourself be an expression of that clears the way for you to reach the bars you have set.
Apr 20-May 19
♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣
Is your life full of meaning? Venus and the Moon are invested in your voice, so sing, be kind to your throat, express the beautiful things you have to say. Energies are still weighted in the direction of spouses and partners. The love resonance expands in your corner, with the Sun and Venus making life a bit more luxurious. You still have to stay disciplined, so a little indulgence to get through the week may be just what you need. Monday and Tuesday are power days.
May 20-Jun 20
♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣
The energy of Vesta and Ceres flying through your partnership sector promises excitement. They beckon, tempting you with seductive possibilities. At the same time, Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Pallas Athene enhance your work, hollering, “Hold on a second! It’s time to be taken seriously!” So the best of both worlds are available at the same time. Tricky, but enviable. Focus on work and health—soon relationships will be taking all your attention.
Jun 21-Jul 21
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Mars is reaching his destination, conjunct Pluto on Monday and Tuesday. This is an impetus to make something happen, preferably in a big way—unalterable. So whatever you choose to do, consider yourself forewarned. There is an energy emerging to tear things apart, to bring them down so they can be rebuilt. In one more week Neptune will go direct, and the reality of what this entails will start to become clear.
Jul 22-Aug 21
♥♥♥♥ ¥¥¥¥ ♣♣♣
This is pretty much your time to dance in the sun. If the sun is hidden, you’re radiating a lot of inner light. Although there are pesky events to sort out at home, you’re golden with Venus connecting to the Sun in this area. Watch how much you take on in the love department. Ceres encourages you to be there for someone—make sure it’s balanced by someone being there for you. Your enthusiasm tempered with wisdom equals success.
Aug 22-Sep 21
♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣♣
The best way to stay in touch is to take a deep breath and feel. Whether something strikes you pleasantly or not at all, the intensity may seem too great to hold—that’s when your inner confidence kicks in. You can handle the depth coursing through you. Neptune opposite Virgo floods your system with information: Practical, logical, emotional… If you have to walk around to stay in one place, so to speak, do it. Dreams continue to grow and will soon blossom.
Sep 22-Oct 22
♥♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣
With Uranus opposite your sign, there’s enough lightning to make your scales jump. Shocks to your system, news that twirls you in circles, insists on inner calm. Venus is your ruling planet, and this goddess wants comfort, beauty and harmony in her realm. Especially now that the Sun and Venus are allied in your financial sector. If you can take a profit, now is a time to consider making a move. Trust your inner vision and that leap of faith you want to take.
Oct 23-Nov 21
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No need to go any great distance this week, as you have done so much work from the inside out. Scorpios are no strangers to discipline, and this is all the more true with Saturn in the latter degrees of your sign. What’s worth considering is how much risk you want to take right now. With both Ceres and Vesta in your finance sector, there is backing for you—bridges you build may reach further than you expect.
Nov 22-Dec 20
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This is an exciting time for Sagittarius, whether you’re moving house, leapfrogging your career or traveling to realms unknown. The grand trine which has been in effect for awhile continues to invite more players. Vesta and Ceres in your sign receive assistance from Jupiter, Juno, and Dark Moon Lilith, currently expanding your vision. You could have a devil-may-care attitude underscored with genuine compassion—quite a feat! Then Uranus and the South Node join in with surprise twists of fate. Stay in the flow—it’s your turn to reap some well-deserved benefits.
Dec 21-Jan 19
♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣
Can’t concentrate? Cat got your tongue? You can blame it on the stars, and you wouldn’t be far off: Mars in Capricorn is fast approaching Pluto. By Monday and Tuesday, it’s pretty much kablooey … or not. Mars expects action, Pluto undoes the status quo—which is revolutionary, then regenerative. Since much has likely already been moved aside, if you feel you called to something bigger than yourself, you’re probably right. Assert with caution, and let love lead.
Jan 20-Feb 17
♥♥♥♥ ¥¥¥¥ ♣♣♣
What would you do with a second chance? Or a view of yourself through someone who loves you? Give yourself a break this week and move forward in a safe and steady manner; no one expects you to have all the answers. Time is on your side, even with the ramp-up to the holidays in this the next-to-last month of the year. Being happy is worth discovering—knowing yourself will get you there. Big career decisions are in the offing, so choose your favorite path to success.
Feb 18-Mar 19
♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣
The underpinnings of everything you have worked for continues to enhance your career. At loose ends work wise? Responsibility mixed with freedom, opportunity, and breadth of vision is available. With Jupiter, Juno, and Dark Moon Lilith in this sector, you are being noticed (even if no one has told you)—patience equals success. Romance is wide open but really, are you becoming just a little bit jealous of time with yourself?